Jade Blackstock

Jade Blackstock is a UK-based performance artist. Her work explores conversations between inner/outer, bodily/material worlds, and how historical, cultural and personal memory/movements inform them. She looks at Black ancestral traditions, myths and materialities that articulate and interrogate ongoing colonial systems and manifest and develop within Black diasporic contexts. She seeks to highlight how the body, material and space have shared capabilities of transferring and embodying collective memory, which bears importance in our understanding of selves and each other. Themes of race, feminism, rootlessness/rootedness, class and loss are present in her work. Jade earned her BA in Fine Art Practice and Psychology from the University of Worcester and her MA in Contemporary Art Practice: Performance from the Royal College of Art. Her work has been shown internationally, including in SPILL Festival of Performance, Ipswich, Alchemy Film Festival, Hawick, the National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art in Seoul, South Korea, and Uppsala Kunstmuseum, Sweden.
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Guts Exhibitions

B. 1993 in Birmingham, UK



2015 – 2017: Royal College of Art, MA Contemporary Art Practice (Performance)
2011 – 2014: University of Worcester, BA Fine Art Practice with Psychology, First Class with Honours


Selected Group Exhibitions

2023 New Ancients, Guts Gallery, London, UK

2022 Fierce festival, Birmingham, England
2022 Stowage and Whatnot (film screening of
Steps to Unforgetting) for B.O.O.K (Building Our Own Knowledge), Vivid Projects, Birmingham, England 2022 Alchemy Film and Moving image Festival, (film screening of Steps to Unforgetting), Hawick, Scotland
2022 Protest! Derek Jarman Live Art Takeover, Submerge Festival, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, England
Unregulated Black Intimacy (film screening), Papaya, online
2021 Celebrating Joy (billboard exhibition, shown in Birmingham), HOME by Ronan Mckenzie, England
2021 SPILL Festival of Performance, Ipswich, England
Ex-Live (film screening of Black River), EX-IS Experimental Film and Video Festival, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
Gathering in a Time of Plague, VSSL Studio, London, England
BUZZCUT festival, Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland
Gestures (film screening of Balm: Steps to Unforgetting), Arcadia Gallery, Coventry, England
Impossible Performances, online
5 Hours (film screening of Cummndazz), Sook, London, England

2020 Come Hell or High Water (online, performed in Sicily, Italy)
Disorder Live Art Vol.2, Studio 9294, London, England
PLOP Performance show, The Koppel Project Hive, London, England

2019 33 Bridges, 6 Cork Street, London, England
Disorder Vol.3, Ugly Duck, London, England
F.A.R.M, East Sussex, England
Live Art for Children and Families, Whitechapel Gallery, London, England

2018 Revolve Performance Art Days, Orbyhus Orangiet, Sweden

2018 Flowing Through Selves, Safehouse 1, London, England
Synthetic Hapticality, Enclave Lab, London, England
I Come In The End, The Best Is Over, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, England
Standing Block, Lincoln Projects, London, England
Breathing in, Breathing Out, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Tiffany&co X Outset Studiomakers Prize Ceremony, Vinyl Factory, London, England
Royal College of Art Degree Show 2017, Royal College of Art, London, England
Revolve Performance Art Days, Uppsala Konstmuesum, Uppsala, Sweden
Five Minutes of Your Time, Doodle Bar, London, England
Liberte D’Action, L’amour, Paris, France
Performance Art Meeting, Old Town, Lublin, Poland
Live Import/ Live Export, Toxteth Reservoir, Liverpool, England
Revolve Festival, Uppsala Train Station, Uppsala, Sweden
 Work in Progress Show, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, England
New Art West Midlands, film screening and live performance, Herbert Gallery, Coventry