Izzie Beirne


Izzie Beirne is a London based artist from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of England. Beirne's artistic practice delves into profound themes encompassing sexual trauma, recovery, rediscovery, and the reclamation of pleasure. As a multimedia artist, she employs the mediums of painting, ceramics, and video to engage in a discourse concerning women's safety, their spatial presence, and desires.


The creative process begins with Beirne's creation of video content, which subsequently serves as foundational reference points. From these videos, she picks evocative stills, which become the source images for her monumental and commanding paintings, playing with notions of power and dominance. Her artworks oscillate between the figurative and abstract, exuding a cinematic quality that draws the viewer deeper into her narrative.


In her paintings, the symbolic transformation of food as a metaphor for the human body takes centre stage, with abstracted forms seeming to ooze and cascade across the canvas. This juxtaposition of the visceral and the ethereal adds layers of complexity to her work.


Izzie Beirne's work navigates the intricate terrain of trauma, healing, and desire with a multifaceted approach. Her artistic portfolio, invites viewers to engage with her narratives on both intellectual and emotional levels, providing an immersive artistic experience.

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Guts Exhibitions 

B. Newcastle Upon Tyne. Lives and works in London.



2021-2023 Goldsmiths University of London, MFA Fine Art

2016–2019 Leeds Arts University, BA Fine Art


Selected Group Exhibitions

2023 BUFFER 2, Guts Gallery, London

2023 Anamnesis, Maximillian Wolfgang Gallery, London

2023 Raw, MFA Degree show, Goldsmiths University of London, London 2022 Deptford X, Goldsmiths University of London, London

2022 Territoil, ArtHub, London

2022 OnHold, Goldsmiths, London

2021 Let Us Eat Cake, Peacocks, Middlesborough

2019 Uncanny Characters, The Bowery, Leeds

2019 Free Range, The Truman Brewery, London

2019 Blinked, Leeds College of Art, Leeds


Awards and Nominations:

2023 Almacantar Award Winner