Scrap that, lets begin again

TJ Sidhu, The Face, 13 Aug 2020

"It was at the peak of the UK’s lockdown when Ellie Pennick, founder of Guts Gallery, rounded up 38 artists to produce When Shit Hits the Fan, an online art exhibition responding to the nation’s sudden gallery closures. Featuring the likes of Trackie McLeodElsa Rouy and Lydia Blakely, the month-long exhibition acted as a support system for the burgeoning generation of progressive artists across the country. 


Now, Pennick is back with Begin Again, an online exhibition and art sale – featuring 48 artists including Jeremy DellerAmymay George and Alfie Kungu – born from a conversation the 24-year-old Londoner had with co-curator Rayvenn D’Clark and artist Lotte Andersen."

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