Isobel Gorman-Buckley, Bricks Magazine, 6 Apr 2020

"To say that times are tricky at the moment would be an understatement. Worldwide, we are having to adapt to a completely new way of living, and the lives of many have already been irreversibly changed. The most widely felt effect has been the disruptions to people’s livelihoods, as all except key workers are either working from home or unable to work at all. This has been a huge blow for many and one that has particularly hit freelancers, as they have only themselves to fall back on and little to no support from the government’s protective measures. Being a freelance creative is hard enough on the best of days, so for many, this crisis will unfortunately lead to career standstills and the financial hardship that accompanies that. 


Sick Love Zine is an independent platform celebrating young creatives and their work. The zine has been running digitally for the last two months, acting as a space for promoting the work of young creatives whilst remaining socially critical, starting honest conversations about the pressing matters they see around them. 


As the zine is focused on the issues that affect young creatives, Sick Love’s founder and Editor Izzy thought that in a time that so greatly affects the creative community it was imperative to draw attention not only to some of the young creative women pioneering in their industries but the hardships they are facing in the current climate. Conducting three interviews that cover music, fashion and art, Sick Love has provided an engaging insight into multiple industries and how to navigate them – even in a crisis. "

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