"Born from a desire to refuse the conditions of silence, paralysis, and erasure brought on by our current social and political climate, these exhibitions have been conceived as a means of exhibiting some of the most promising practitioners of the new generation, creating space for display, experimentation, and artistic ownership in an otherwise compromising market"
The Body Speaks
10 Janeiro - 4 Fevereiro 2025 Leia mais -
Shadi Al-Atallah
We Are Only A Temptation 13 Dezembro 2024 Leia mais -
Elsa Rouy
A Screaming Object 29 Novembro - 21 Dezembro 2024 Leia mais -
Lily Bunney
girls peeing on cars 25 Outubro - 19 Novembro 2024 Leia mais -
Bitches In Heat
Lydia Pettit & Olivia Sterling 13 Setembro - 13 Outubro 2024 Leia mais -
9 - 30 Agosto 2024 Leia mais -
A Feast For The Eyes
5 - 30 Julho 2024 Leia mais -
The Future of Loneliness
Curated by Maria Dolfini 30 Maio - 25 Junho 2024 Leia mais -
Softer, Softest
26 Abril - 21 Maio 2024 Leia mais -
Alfie Rouy
Earth Eater 22 Março - 16 Abril 2024 Leia mais -
Beyond Boundaries
16 Fevereiro - 12 Março 2024 Leia mais -
Co-curated by Ell Pennick and Brynley Odu Davies 1 Dezembro 2023 - 6 Fevereiro 2024 Leia mais -
3 - 24 Novembro 2023 Leia mais -
Shadi Al-Atallah
Fistfight 8 Setembro - 25 Outubro 2023 Leia mais -
New Ancients
14 Julho - 4 Agosto 2023 Leia mais -
Saints and Sinners
9 Junho - 7 Julho 2023 Leia mais -
Victoria Cantons
What Birds Plunge Through Is Not The Intimate Space 12 Maio - 4 Junho 2023 Leia mais -
Beyond the Veil
7 Abril - 5 Maio 2023 Leia mais -
Larissa De Jesús Negrón 10 - 31 Março 2023 Leia mais -
The Lunatics
KEMI ONABULÉ 11 Fevereiro - 3 Março 2023 Leia mais -
13 Janeiro - 2 Fevereiro 2023 Leia mais -
11 Novembro - 8 Dezembro 2022 Leia mais -
The Artist is Present
7 Outubro - 3 Novembro 2022 Leia mais -
Emanuel De Carvalho
new state 9 - 30 Setembro 2022 In his first UK solo exhibition, Emanuel de Carvalho uses painting, sculpture and sound to question our ways of seeing in the current zeitgeist. Rooted in a conceptual preoccupation with phenomenology, new state investigates how structures of vision can be queered, challenging us to perceive queerness as an ever-changing state... Leia mais -
Tiger Stripes and Smoke
7 - 28 Julho 2022 ‘Tiger Stripes and Smoke’ is the latest body of work from Sophie Vallance Cantor. In this collection of paintings, Vallance has pushed - and been pushed - further, both mentally and creatively. Living under new layers of shadow and indeed casting some themselves, the inhabitants of her world navigate their... Leia mais -
And this skin of mine, to live again a second time
2 - 23 Junho 2022 Guts Gallery is pleased to present a new group exhibition in late Spring 2022, the first group show in our new permanent HQ in London. ‘And this skin of mine, to live again a second time’ contemplates the multiple possibilities and avenues of ‘rebirth’ in our current day and age.... Leia mais -
I Could Always Crack A Joke 5 - 26 Maio 2022 ‘I Could Always Crack a Joke’ showcases a new body of work by Elsa Rouy that ridicules, empathises with, and embraces the bizarre navigation of the human condition. The exhibition explores an introspective exploration and navigation of the self, using the body and its corporal properties to express ideas centred... Leia mais -
MANSLAUGHTER 7 - 28 Abril 2022 With this powerful body of work Sterling centres violence against women, and in particular, women of colour over the past millennia. She intentionally subverts via the canon of male dominated art history, the gaze and manipulation of the female body, creating scenes in which it is the man that is... Leia mais -
I PROMISE I DON’T BITE / JAG LOVAR ATT JAG INTE KOMMER ATT BITA DIG 10 - 31 Março 2022 ‘I PROMISE I DON’T BITE / JAG LOVAR ATT JAG INTE KOMMER ATT BITA DIG’, is a debut solo exhibition by Swedish based artist Julia de Ruvo. Leia mais -
NOWT AS QUEER AS FOLK 10 Fevereiro - 3 Março 2022 Corbin Shaw ‘Nowt As Queer As Folk’ 10 Feb - 3 March 2022 Guts Gallery Unit 2 Sidings House, 10 Andre Street, Hackney E8 2AA Opening: 10 Feb 6-9pm Regular Hours: Tues-Sat 10-6pm ‘Nowt As Queer As Folk’ is a solo exhibition by Corbin Shaw and the inaugural opening of... Leia mais -
13 Janeiro - 12 Fevereiro 2022 Opening: Thursday 13 Jan 6.30-9pm Regular Hours: Wed-Sat 12-6pm Location: The Sunday Painter, 117-119 South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1XA SALON, presents works by a select group of artists who are traversing across a new terrain of contemporary painting. An ode to the alternative salon exhibitions of the... Leia mais -
Douglas Cantor
ALWAYS LATE TO THE PARTY 18 - 24 Novembro 2021 ‘ALWAYS LATE TO THE PARTY’ is the second solo exhibition by Douglas Cantor with Guts Gallery that presents a series of new large scale paintings and an installation. Opening Night - Nov 18 6 - 9pm General Opening Hours - 11am - 6pm Address - Unit 14/15, Penarth Centre Ormside... Leia mais -
Sophie Vallance Cantor
BAD AT LIFE (GOOD AT PAINTING) 4 - 10 Novembro 2021 ‘BAD AT LIFE (GOOD AT PAINTING)’ is the second solo exhibition by Sophie Vallance Cantor with Guts Gallery. OPENING NIGHT - 4 NOV 2021 6 - 9 PM GENERAL OPENING HOURS - 11AM - 6PM ADDRESS - Unit 14/15, Penarth Centre Ormside Street, London SE15 1TR Comprising of paintings, artist... Leia mais -
I LOST THE TITLE ON THE PLANE 7 - 14 Outubro 2021 These works and the title itself are formed from moments in transit, working and existing in a state of fluidity between time zones, locations and introspection. I LOST THE TITLE ON THE PLANE, explores the idea of stagnation. Shadi uses swamps as a reference for this state of being. Swamps... Leia mais -
23 Setembro - 3 Outubro 2021 Opening: Thur 23 Sept 6-9pm Exhibition Location: Anderson Contemporary, Carpenter’s Wharf Studios, 4b Roach Road, London E3 2PA Via Monier Road Footbridge Regular Opening Hours: Wed - Sun 11-6pm Guts Gallery is pleased to present REALITY CHECK, the inaugural exhibition at Anderson Contemporary, a new artist-led gallery space in London.... Leia mais -
CCA Presents Really Rough Scrubbing Brush by OLIVIA STERLING
17 Setembro - 31 Outubro 2021 Private View: Sep 17 6-9pm Address: Goldsmiths CCA, St James’s, New Cross, London, SE14 6AD Opening Times: Wednesday–Sunday, 12–6pm Sterling’s graphic paintings and prints zone in on racist micro and macro-aggressions perpetuated on a daily basis in the UK, through slap-stick, absurdity, and the language of cartoons. Brightly saturated canvases... Leia mais -
A DEMON IN A SUNDRESS 19 - 26 Agosto 2021 Private View: 19th August 6-9pm Location: 147 Stoke Newington High Street, London, N16 0NY General Opening Hours: 11 - 6pm Request a catalogue A Demon in a Sundress is Elsa Rouy’s (b. 2000, Kent) second solo show with Guts Gallery. Five paintings and two sculptures are... Leia mais -
A NEW ART WORLD IS POSSIBLE. 22 - 29 Julho 2021 Private View: Thursday 22 July 6-9pm Opening Hours: Tues - Sun 11am - 6pm Location: 147 Stoke Newington High Street, London, N16 0NY No RSVP's required BUY THE MANIFESTO PRINT NOW Picking up where Guts Gallery’s online show, When Shit Hits the Fan Again (Feb, 2021) left off, A New... Leia mais -
London Gallery Weekend at The Shop at Sadie Coles HQ 4 - 6 Junho 2021 London Gallery Weekend 4-6 June 2021 11am - 8pm (Opening day) 11am - 6pm (Regular hours) The Shop at Sadie Coles HQ, 62 Kingly Street, London W1B 5QN Directions > Guts Gallery is excited to announce our exhibition for this year's London Gallery Weekend. 'INTRODUCING' presents a new and... Leia mais
body mould
Curated by Maddalena Iodice 29 Novembro - 21 Dezembro 2024 We are containers to be contained, hormones to be regulated, saved from the dysfunctionality of our ambiguous bodies. We are subject to the emotional, the sensuous, the erotic, the manifestation of invisible energies, and hence hysterical, monstrous bodies. How, then, to rule the uncanny? How to keep it concealed? Our... Leia mais -
Purity & Danger
Curated by Mathilde Friis 25 Outubro - 19 Novembro 2024 From gender nonconformity and alternate sexual identities to sex work and drag culture, all these realms are often considered disruptions existing outside the hegemonic order. In her seminal 1966 title Purity and Danger , anthropologist Mary Douglas explored how societies define and regulate concepts of purity and impurity, drawing distinctions... Leia mais -
Faust Haus
Verity Coward 13 Setembro - 13 Outubro 2024 “No, no, not omnipotent, just very well connected” – Mephistopheles, in Faust (Goethe, 1829). Working across sculpture, painting & moving-image, Coward’s practice is deeply embedded in material & process. Themes, objects and characters emerge from literature, mythology, folk tales and cartoons and shapeshift between mediums. In her current work, Coward... Leia mais -
Silent Betwixt
5 - 30 Julho 2024 Central to this exhibition is the allure of liminality—the spaces and moments suspended between what was and what could be. In these transformative arenas, each artist invites the audience into their distinct in-between spaces, whether it's the interface of past, present, and future, the haunting echo of ruins and abandonment,... Leia mais -
Welcome To My Crib
Curated by Anastasia Chugunova & Yueh-Ning Lee 30 Maio - 25 Junho 2024 Plush toys, Tamagotchi, movie posters dotted with sequins, photos from profile pictures on social media. 'Welcome to my Crib' embodies a journey to early adolescence, the time when we rediscover ourselves, the social and gender norms, and sometimes (or often) try to go against them. In this sense, artists use... Leia mais -
In Loving Memory
Curated by Charlotte Leseberg Smith 26 Abril - 21 Maio 2024 In loving memory of our past selves and those close to us that may have slipped far away, this exhibition will untangle how we store memory - in objects, in our bodies and in our phones. After struggling with temporary memory loss, inspired by a life made up in objects,... Leia mais -
Tell It Like It Is
Curated by Benjamin Carels 22 Março - 16 Abril 2024 Guts Projects is excited to present Tell It Like It Is! curated by Benjamin Carels. Tell It Like It Is! draws together a series of works by four artists: Erika Peucelle (b. 2000), Hugo Harris (b. 1996), Robin van Leijsen (b. 2001), and Safae Gounane (b. 1999). The objective of... Leia mais -
Curated by Gaïa de Crecy 16 Fevereiro - 12 Março 2024 Guts Projects is excited to present Support; a group show curated by Gaïa de Crecy with works from Jack Harper, Cato Ink, Luke Chin-Joseph, Connor Kawaii, Aimée Maynard-Smith, Cosima von Moreau, Re-Noir and Gaïa de Crecy. Mixing photography, painting and sculpture, the exhibition wants to promote diversities in art forms... Leia mais -
Curated by Baesianz 14 Julho - 15 Agosto 2023 Leia mais -
on the flip side was
Curated by Kollectiv Collective 9 Junho - 7 Julho 2023 Guts Projects is pleased to present 'on the flip side was;' a group exhibition curated by Kollectiv Collective featuring artists Johannes Bosisio, Malcolm Bradley, Sophie Lourdes Knight, Catinca Malaimare and Salvatore Pione. on the flip side was that which seemed to be the same but wasn’t quite. Flipping to the... Leia mais -
Soft When Warm: Leo Costelloe and Deividas Vytautas
Curated by Helen Neven 10 - 31 Março 2023 In her 2020 essay Soft Femme Theory: Femme Internet Aesthetics and the Politics of “Softness”, Andi Schwartz uses “soft” to denote a prevalent aesthetic within internet subculture: ‘What I have come to term “softness”—a combination of hyperfemininity, emotionality, relationality, and vulnerability—shows up in femme Internet culture in a number of... Leia mais -
Rifle On The Wall by Rachel O-Williams
Curated by Pacheanne Anderson 11 Novembro - 8 Dezembro 2022 Pacheanne Anderson Supporting and Centring Queer, Trans*, Black & POC Artists Our Mission With community-building, knowledge-sharing and collaboration at the centre, Pacheanne Anderson Gallery & Advisory provides exhibition, workshop screening, performance and peer-networking opportunities to a broad selection of Queer, Trans*, Black & POC artists. Pacheanne Anderson Gallery & Advisory’s... Leia mais -
EXHIBITION & THERE’S LIGHT BOOK LAUNCH 7 Outubro - 3 Novembro 2022 A MACHINE THAT MAKES examines themes related to commodification, identity, and the philosophy of 'Collective Consciousness.' Utilising light boxes as a metaphor for enlightenment, Lutz interrogates the medium as a form of communication and its utilisation in pursuing one’s attention. As a result, Lutz asks the viewer questions about appropriation... Leia mais