Lola Stong-Brett
49 1/4 x 59 in
I’ve recently been looking at the concept of escaping, searching, or wanting to move on, yet equally not wanting to, mixed with the feeling of wanting to return. This continuous push/pull, or highs and lows, references both socio-economic background, personal ups and downs, and the concept of above and below, heaven and hell. This painting was also greatly inspired by Turner’s Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth, living currently by the sea in Margate, this painting holds also the balance between domesticity and elements beyond our control. There’s turmoil, mixed with familiarity. The cartoons create humour as audiences recognise the resemblance between Max Fleischer’s Bimbo and Pop-Eye, mixed with the agony, and violence of this literal scene unfolding before you.