I Could Always Crack A Joke

By Elsa Rouy

Editeur: Roy Killen

Dimensions: 210 x 148mm

pages: 26

‘I Could Always Crack a Joke’ is a hand-signed 25 edition publication accompanying Elsa Rouys solo show at Guts Gallery. This publication features eleven original poems and intimate polaroid photos by the artist.


The poems aim to attentively and deliberately examine and decipher emotions presented when experiencing separation, grief and loneliness.
Each poem remains untitled to form a linear timeline, distorted by the incisions of the photographs that is a dialogue that sits in a timeless, fluid space, mimicking the emotions and their variable state.


The poems further consider the artist's relationship with herself and the slow navigation of the intrinsic pathway of personal acceptance.


Material: Omnia 280 and 150

Finishing: Perfect bind

Design by Rosy Tsai

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